GIS/GPS Services
In this age of Geographic Revolution and with an eye on the future requirements of the users,
S3tel. has established state-of-the-art GIS, GPS and Total Station for very large scale & Digital Mapping and ground Survey capabilities through the adoption of the latest Digital Mapping/Data Generation Techniques i.e. using Photogrammetric techniques, Satellite Imagery of various resolutions as per need.
These techniques are designed to comprehensively address the following types of tasks that are pertinent to the relevant projects.
Drawing Digitization:
Map Creation:

Land Records:
Modernization of Cadastral and Computerization of land records using digital techniques.
Satellite Data Integration:
Updating with satellite-based SPOT, TM, IRS-1C, IKONOS, Quick bird Data especially for urban development.
Digital Data Integration:
Warping, Edge Matching, Updating and Overlaying Capabilities.

Mapping and Ground Surveys:
for tunnel alignment, canals, pipelines, Power Transmission Lines and for Feasibility Studies for roads, express highways, and National Highways.