Responsibility and Sustainability
The principles of corporate responsibility and sustainability are reflected throughout S3Tel’s long-standing business practices. These principles, including our shared values and ethics, guide our relationships with clients, employees, and the communities and environment in which we operate. In 2008 our strategy was added to the remit of the Ethics and Governance Committee. The Group respects local laws and customs while supporting international laws and regulations, in particular the International Labor Organization fundamental conventions on labor standards. Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability are integral to the way in which we have done business in the past, the way we do business today and will remain so in the future.

Engaged in various philanthropic measures
S3Tel. Inc. has been engaged in various philanthropic measures, and its directors have been working with ‘special needs children’ as well as have worked in their private capacity as volunteers in cases of national disasters such as ‘Tsunami’, ‘floods’, ‘droughts’ etc in South East Asia and Africa. S3Tel. takes its social obligations very seriously. As an equal opportunity employer, S3Tel does not differentiate amongst people from different caste, creed, race, location, country or religion. S3Tel follows a strong philosophy of tolerance backed by purpose to heal.